January 14, 2025

So we are back from VCFMW and had a blast. Enjoyed meeting and talking to everyone! Lots of great stuff in all the exhibits and booths. We didn’t get to check everything out as much as we would like as our booth kept us busy throughout the show. We plan on being back next year, and we will also be at Tandy Assembly in Ohio, TORG in Ohio, and eventually VCFEast. At least that is the plan!

We will be putting up an update for all people who bought our displays before VCF Midwest which brings you up to date with the version we sold at the show. This update contains over 200 stills and animations and runs over 20 minutes! Keep an eye out for the free firmware update.

We completely sold out of the displays so we have to temporarily remove them from the Etsy store while we replenish our stock. We will have a waitlist form up in a day or two for those who want to be notified when new ones are available!

Thanks to everyone who organized VCF Midwest and all who were there!

2 thoughts on “VCFMW 2023 is over! We had a great time!

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